PE and Sports Premium

PE and the Sports Grant

As a healthy school, we aim to provide a wide range of activities for children to engage in high quality sports provision. All children have two PE/games lessons per week in curriculum time as well as an additional swimming lesson for Year 1 and Year 2 in the summer term. We run a range of extra-curricular sporting activities at different times of the year for all year 1 and year 2 children. We are part of the Chelmsford School Partnership where throughout the year children in all year groups take part in competitive sports within the local area against other schools.

PE is a much loved part of the curriculum at Perryfields and this is due to the enthusiasm of all the staff, outside sports coaches and the children. The sports premium money serves to enhance this enthusiasm through providing the children with opportunities to try different sports and compete in competitions both within and outside of school. We are continuing to use the sports premium money to make additional and sustainable improvements so the children have the best provision for sport available to them and for more children to enjoy these provisions in future years here at Perryfields Infants.

Please see the document below to find out more about how our funding is allocated each academic year and the impact and sustainability it has for the children of Perryfields Infant School.