National Sports week 2021

National sports week is always a very exciting week at Perryfields. We like to encourage the children to take part in something sporty all week. Trying new sports and participating in small fun competitions.
The week began on Monday 21st June with some Bootcamp sessions with Mr Bowen. The weather wasn't kind to us this day so Mr Bowen ran the session inside, where the children did circuit training to music!
Tuesday was horse practise day and designing our jockey T shirts. We hired 5 small horses and 2 large horses so the children could have small races in their class bubbles. Today was a practise day, so all the classes went outside in their allocated time slots to ride the horses across the playground. It was so much fun. The rest of the time was filled with lessons and designing a T shirt ready for the race day!
Wednesday included a variety of different ball skill activities with our Chelmsford City Football group and Mrs Bowen ran Gymnastics with Emerald class and FS.
On Thursday we were horse ready! The children (and teachers) had so much fun racing up and down the playground and we looked the part in our T shirts!
Friday was busy for KS1 taking their swimming lessons at Boswells while FS got another race on the horses and joined in with some parachute games!
Such a busy week and plenty of smiles and laughter!